This seems like a no-brainer and maybe it is, but so many people don't want to take this step. Do this before you do anything else. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, no reason to feel inadequate in any way. You wouldn’t think twice about going to a doctor if your legs were broken, would you? This is no different. Anxiety & depression are just not visible to the naked eye. I’m a firm believer that literally everyone can benefit from counseling. It’s such a relief to have someone to talk to who has no “skin” in your game. You can say anything, about anyone…without judgement. Your counselor will understand that sometimes you need to spill your feelings, no matter how absurd or outrageous they may seem at the time.
If you don’t like the first therapist you choose, find another, and another if necessary…until you find one that works for you. We expect to shop for cars, houses, clothing, etc. Why would not we not expect to have to “shop” for the right therapist or medical provider? It’s unrealistic to believe you would choose the best possible option the very first time, every time. And don't be surprised if sometimes you just need a change...a new perspective. I've had several therapists throughout my journey. They've all helped me in different ways. Its ok to move on if it's not working.
I promise my more "creative" ideas will come soon, but I want to emphasize this upfront. We can't do this without help from a professional.